
Hello from MsKapolo

Hello, it's MsKapolo, who always love to learn about our world. Though with my background in named tech firms and as an author of some forms of publications, I’m also interested in philosophies, arts, sciences, and those combinations that have been playing roles in the development into our world today. 

I also love to travel and explore different corners of the world. More than just having fun, traveling usually gives me chances to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch, and to feel the world, in various exciting aspects. 

Since end of 2020, I began to use MsKapolo, which represents “a naughty girl” in my local language, as my pseudo name, to convert and share the fun and inspirational parts from what I have learned into some type of low content books (plus derivatives). Although with essential experience in my English publications so far, English is still not my mother togue. Hence, I believe beginning with low content things, yet containing well my original intention to share fun and inspirational story, would maintain the core value, and at the same time not make it much overwhelm to me. 

My journey in the world market has just begun. Although I believe I had done my best, it could not be completely perfect since the start. Therefore, it would be greatly appreciated if I could hear comments, feedback, or suggestions from readers around the world. I wish I could continually improve over time, and contribute more and more value to the world forwards.

And one day in the near future, I aspire to share some story (that I’m certainly confident of the value) in my full content books. When it comes to full content, the “fun” and “inspirational” implication could alter a bit from what it had been. By that time, if MsKapolo would no longer fit for, I will update a new one :)


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